Hidden In Plain Sight

Hidden In Plain Sight

Tuesday, February 28, 2017

On Faith

Le Marabout Errant: Tell me, Dervish Baba, what is faith? Dervish Baba: Faith is something one learns to acquire over a lifetime. LME: So, over the course of one's life, one learns to believe certain things? DB: Naturally, over the course of one's life certain beliefs are acquired, but that is not faith. That is what I call the "Protestant Reduction" of faith to credal assent--which is, typically, a form of credulity. LME: Then what is it that one acquires over the course of a lifetime and that you call "faith"? DB: Faith is learning to suffer others in love. The proof of faith is not believing this or that proposition. The proof of faith is hilm.

Wednesday, February 8, 2017

The Malamati Way

Le Marabout Errant: Can you describe this "path" or "practice" that you call the "Malamati Way"? Dervish Baba: Others have written of it. Read their books. LME: I have been reading, but I would like to hear it described by someone who claims it as their own. DB: I don't "claim it as my own." It may claim me...Perhaps you have not read enough. LME: I plan to read more, but could you not say a few words that would assist my understanding? DB: Words will only increase the noise in your heart and add to your confusion. LME: Is there nothing that you can tell me? DB: Yes, of course, there is plenty. But why do you insist on putting me in an awkward position? LME: I don't see how my curiosity places you in any kind of position at all. DB: (silence).